
Showing posts from 2017

Promises Made, Promises Actually Kept - via JavaScript

I started learning JavaScript in March 2017, primarily via freeCodeCamp (fCC) via their Front End Developer certification path and lightly supplemented by free courses offered by Codecademy . By the beginning of May, I’d completed most of fCC’s Front End path, had signed up for the “ Chingu Cohorts ” and had taken on the Chingu’s “Build to Learn” (B2L) project signup, an open-ended project wherein you can choose what you want to work on. For my project, the decision was to use the Trello API to build “something” — not really sure what (and it’s still not fully realized what the ultimate goal is), but the desire was to learn Trello’s API by way of creating HTML views based on the Trello data. My starting approach was to consider that, regardless of whatever other views may result from the project, building a view that shows all of the user’s boards, lists and cards on a single page would give me a decent understanding of not only Trello’s API but also (perhaps more importantly) the data...