
Showing posts from February, 2018

This Is Not Just About Guns

 This morning I awoke with a single phrase in the forefront of my mind, a phrase which can be found on all physical currency in the United States and one we should all bear in mind as we continue the debate (nay, shouting match) about gun laws in our nation. No, I am not referring to “In God We Trust”. I wouldn’t be writing this piece had that been the phrase — thoughts and prayers have already been covered. The phrase “E Pluribus Unum” — Out of Many, One — should be serving as a reminder to all of us that we need to stay aware of the bigger picture whenever we consider specific issues affecting the country, lest we miss the forest for the trees. As we are confronted with and therefore must consider the positions of President Trump, the NRA leadership and those who agree with them, we should not let ourselves be lulled into a sense that this debate over gun laws is exclusively about the right to bear arms. It would behoove us to remember, for the sake of posterity, that in addition...