It should be noted that I am not a Chinese speaker; English is the only language in which I am fluent. I make use of resources available via the internet and texts in my personal library to glean definitions as best as I’m able. ::: WHAT IS 道 ? ::: From an entirely rational point of view, 道 is a word of convenience. 道, as a word in the Chinese language, has several meanings attached to it. Such as it is with many words in the English language, e.g., ‘case’, the definition of 道 at any given moment seems wholly dependent upon the context in which it is used. Definitions include: road, direction, path, way, principle, truth, morality, reason, skill, method, say, speak, express, barriers, questions, commands. 道 is also referred to as a ‘measure word for long, thin things’. Measure words are apparently far more common in the Chinese language than they are in English, even though they are fairly prevalent in English as well (a gallon of water, a pinch of salt, &c). In Chinese sc...